Daftar slogan iklan
(Dialihkan dari Daftar nama kendaraan bermotor)
Ngaji ngopi happy " Wadah Silaturahmi "
[sunting]- "Bukan Basa Basi" (A Mild)
- "Go Ahead" (A Mild)
- "Bikin Hidup Lebih Hidup" (Star Mild)
- "The Power of Dreams" (Honda)
- "Semakin Di Depan" (Yamaha)
- "Sheer Driving Pleasure" (BMW)
- "Passion for Life" (Renault)
- "For Life" (Volvo)
- "Movement That Inspires" (Kia)
- "Way of Life" (Suzuki)
- "Revs Your Heart" (Yamaha)
- "Passion for Excellence" (Bridgestone)
- "Your Journey, Our Passion" (Bridgestone)
- "Solutions for your Journey" (Bridgestone)
- "get the emotion" (emba)
- "provides you a better sleep" (jeanette)
- "Let the good times roll" (Kawasaki)
- "Innovation That Excites" (Nissan)
- "Today's Spirit (Clas Mild)
- "Lebih Punya Taste, Lebih Terobsesi" (Star Mild)
- "Ada Obsesi, Ada Jalan" (Star Mild)
- "Pria Punya Selera" (Gudang Garam)
- "Yang Penting Heppiii..." (Djarum 76)
- "dream your night away" (calliste)
- "work up" (britania)
- "its my jeans" (logo)
- "guest what happens next" (TIRAJEANS)
- "tradisi dalam gaya" (arjuna weda)
- "time for fun" (timezone)
- "love nature friends fun" (surfer girl)
- "Seleraku Indomie" (Indomie)
- "Zzo...Mild" (Djarum Super Mezzo)
- "Mantap Bro!" (Intro)
- "Live to the Max" (Maxus)
- "Let's Do It" (L.A. Lights)
- "Enjoy Aja" (L.A. Lights)
- "Pemberani dan Tangguh" (Marcopolo)
- "Slice Berharap" (Slic Mild)
- "Modern & Dinamis" (Kennedy)
- "We Make People Fly" (Lion Air)
- "Trust us to fly" (Batavia Air)
- "Get the Feeling" (Merpati Nusantara Airlines)
- "Ideas for Life" (Panasonic)
- "Be original" (Sharp)
- "One Heart" (Honda)
- "Nggak Ada Loe, Nggak Rame" (Sampoerna Hijau)
- "Ini Baru Cowo" (U Mild)
- "One Taste, One Spirit" (neO Mild, unO Mild)
- "Ini Mantap Basi" (Planetmas 78Mild)
- "78Gold" (Planetmas 78Mild)
- "Ini Mantapnya Mild" (One Mild)
- "Bersama Terus Mau" (Nusantara C.N. Mild)
- "Bikin Asik Lebih Hidup" (O Mild (OceaNair))
- "Lama Makin Lebih Hidup" (O Mild (OceaNair))
- "Ada Obsesi, Siapa iya" (O Mild (OceaNair))
- "The Flavor of Adventure" (Country)
- "The Deforestation time Adventure" (Voontry)
- "Suka Bisa Taunya" (Planetmas Mild)
- "Talk Less Do More" (Clas Mild)
- "Emang Bikin Bangga..!" (Sejati)
- "Jangan Anggap Enteng" (Bentoel Mild)
- "Xpresikan Aksimu..!" (X Mild)
- "Citra Eksklusif" (Surya 16)
- "Selera Pemberani" (Surya 12)
- "Perubahan Itu Perlu" (Surya Slims)
- "The Best or Nothing" (Mercedes-Benz)
- "King of Ice" (L.A. Ice)
- "Mantap Trasa" (Matra)
- "Zoom-Zoom" (Mazda)
- "Simply Clever" (Škoda)
- "Nikmati Harimu!" (Nabati MAXI)
- "Pleasure, Style, Confidence" (Djarum Super Mild)
- "Temuin Cara Lo" (Jazy Mild)
- "Pilihan Ksatria!" (Apache)
- "Get the Taste, Get the Lite" (Neslite)
- "Define Yours" (Extreme Mild)
- "Motion & Emotion" (Peugeot)
- "Lions of our Time" (Peugeot)
- "Engineered to be Enjoyed" (Peugeot)
- "Revs Your Heart" (Yamaha)
- "Inspired By You" (Citroën)
- "The Best or Nothing" (Mercedes-Benz)
- "Vorsprung durch technik" (Audi)
- "Go Further" (Ford)
- "Find New Roads" (Chevrolet)
- "All in or Nothing" (Adidas)
- "Just Do It" (Nike)
- "Forever Faster" (Puma)
- "Reach Beyond" (Mizuno)
- "Feel Welcome" (Accor Hotels)
- "A Better Life, A Better World" (Panasonic)
- "Wir leben Autos" (Opel)
- "Das Auto" (Volkswagen)
- "La meccanica delle emozioni" (Alfa Romeo)
- "Ready to Race" (KTM)
- "Inspirasi Tanpa Batas" (Magnum Filter)
- "Redefined Expectation Since 1924" (MG Motor)
- "Listening is everything" (Spotify)
- "Memang Canggih" (Polytron)
- "I'm Lovin' It (McDonald's)
- "Thinking of you" (Electrolux)
- "Swedish thinking. Better living" (Electrolux)
- "Think different" (Apple)
- "Together we can" (Vodafone)
- "Always Be Ahead" (Maxis)
- "Terus Menerajui" (Maxis)
- "Melayani Negeri, Kebanggaan Bangsa" (Bank BNI)
- "Sahabat Keluarga Indonesia" (Bank BTN)
- "Kepercayaan dan Kemitraan" (Bank Aceh)
- "Memberikan Pelayanan Terbaik" (Bank Sumut)
- "Bersama Membina Citra dan Membangun Negeri" (Bank Nagari)
- "Tumbuh Kembangkan Usaha" (Bank Riau Kepri)
- "Bersama Meraih Keberkahan" (Bank Jambi)
- "Mitra Anda Membangun Daerah" (Bank Sumsel Babel)
- "Tangguh dan Tumbuh" (Bank Bengkulu)
- "Banknya Masyarakat Lampung" (Bank Lampung)
- "Kepuasan Nasabah Prioritas Kami" (Bank DKI)
- "Tandamata Untuk Negeri" (Bank BJB)
- "Banknya Orang Jawa Tengah" (Bank Jateng)
- "Kita Berkembang Bersama" (Bank BPD DIY)
- "Bersama Kami, Berkembang Pasti" (Bank Jatim)
- "Mitra Terpercaya Meraih Sukses" (Bank Kalteng)
- "Setia Melayani, Melaju Bersma" (Bank Kalsel)
- "Melayani Sepenuh Hati" (Bank Sulselbar)
- "Wujudkan Kebersamaan dan Kemitraan" (Bank Sulteng)
- "Maju Bersama" (Bank Sultra)
- "Torang pe Bank" (Bank Sulutgo)
- "Setia Melayani (Bank Maluku Malut)
- "Membangun Tanah Papua" (Bank Papua)
- "The Bank for a Changing World" (BNP Paribas)
- "Made for Minds" (Deutsche Welle/DW)
- "Widen Your World" (Turkish Airlines)
- "The Airline of Indonesia" (Garuda Indonesia)
- "Now Everyone Can Fly" (AirAsia)
- "Spirit of Australia" (Qantas)
- "Where Energy is Opportunity" (Aramco)
- "Make to move you" (Otis)
- "So Good" (KFC)
- "Quality is Our Recipe" (Wendy's)
- "Have a break, have a KitKat" (KitKat)
- "Good Food. Good Life (Nestlé)
- "Life Is You" (Sentramall Department Store)
- "Life Is God" (Sentramall Restaurant)
- "Life Is Your" (Spac)
- "Life Is Day" (Sentramall Supermarket)
- "Life Is Up" (Sentramedia)
- "Now Again hit Happiness" (Jeep Spirit)
- "Day You Life" (Live Mild)